Support binding shortcuts to automatically trigger a preset
Hello developers, do you know Bob the translation plugin, I would like to replace it with kerlig in my workflow, so I don't have to use two apps, the replacement is simple, as long as Kerlig can support setting shortcuts and binding them to a preset, i.e. when I press a shortcut, I get the result of the execution in one step, instead of letting the user select it manually each time.
1, which is perfect for those high-frequency operations like translation.
2, this is also a generalized requirement, as it can be extended to various preset actions, which is of high value.
Jarek Ceborski
Thanks for the suggestion! So the flow would be that you select some text, press the key binding, and Kerlig opens and instantly runs the translate command (or any other), is that correct?
Jarek Ceborski, yes, just provided:
1, shortcut binding (can bind to any preset, even have multiple shortcuts, such as ctrl1, ctrl2, ctrl3 ---);
2, automated execution of what the program already has;
This automation didn't change anything, and could have originally been selected via a popup if not triggered via a shortcut.